Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oh, goodbye July.... Hello there August.

July has been a very intense month.  It has held emotional, physical and spiritual ups and downs.  It has also been a process.  The process of adjusting to something new is never easy- adjusting after leaving behind things and people that you love is often so much harder and bittersweet.  But it has been a good month.  It was a month where I’ve learned to grow into my new role at Warm Heart.  Its been a month where I’ve learned to explore and find my niche- finding a favorite place to pray, a new favorite restaurant and a host of other new favorites.  This month has enables obsessions and old feelings to fade simply to allow new and better concepts to take hold. I’m fully aware that even amidst the cloud shrouded mountains of North Thailand that I am not alone and that I am loved and I am loveable.  It’s nice to like myself on so many levels.  A feat that is often hard to accomplish.

I bid July adieu with gratitude.  I welcome in August with a spirit of rebirth and change.  I’ve made the decision to quit smoking (again), to really invest myself in finding a muay thai trainer and to continue my epic runs up the stairs of the pagoda.  It’s high time I invest in myself and take care of myself consistently emotionally, physically and emotionally.  Its something I rarely make time for when I’m in the states and it’s one of my goals while I’m here… to fully embrace myself as human and wonderfully made by my higher power (who, by the way, just absolutely adores me).  August will not be easy.  Quitting smoking comes with it challenges and taking care of myself under that stress is not easy.  But as opposed to looking at the challenges I will instead look at the benefits… for one, I can get up the pagoda steps without wanting to cough up one of my lungs (which would be a very nice change indeed).

Lest we get too spiritual and deep, I have to say that the last day of July brought some frustrations—I left the bag of skittles open last night after seeing a movie and it was invaded by ants.  I’m inclined to eat them anyway (extra protein) but I probably wont.  The benefit is that there was only about half a pound left (out of four) and I still have another four pound bag left….things could always be worse.

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