Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pardon me While I state my Goals for Rebelling against Theological School Norms....

We're told from the moment we walk into orientation to learn self-care and take care of ourselves. We're told that seminary is going to be hard and difficult and take lots of time. We're told it will be a spiritually life-changing event.  What I have found in my 6 weeks of theological school is that taking care of myself means sacrificing time with school work which means lower grades. That seminary "being hard" means they're making tests super hard in some misguided attempt to make me try harder. And spiritually life changing really translates into spiritually deadening.  The mixed messages and expectations are a joke. I wouldn't call it spiritual formation as much as spiritual destruction mixed in with a healthy dose of emotional disparity with a weekly option for communion.

My senior year in my undergraduate career I did a research paper and project about creating emotional safety within the collegiate sphere.  Thus far, I've found that my school doesn't do a single thing that the research specifies as emotionally satiating. Perhaps there is a person here or there that gives it a go or tries to provide a safe space... but it's a rarity. I find this problematic. I'm going to school not only to learn the facts and theological implications of faith but also to understand how to build people up, create an enviroment of safty and be present for people in my life.  Thus far, school is teaching me how to have an incredibly hectic life, take tests well and build resentments toward "the establishment". 

Let's be honest. I don't do authority well. Never have. And I'm feeling a rush of rebellion coming on. I have two appointments with two professors next week and I fully plan on letting them know that I'm disappointed with them for falling in line with some University model that creates snobby academics instead of conscientious students. In the end, I don't particularly care if my professors like me... I'd much rather they respect me.

I'm sure some of my fellow students will read this and think I've taken things a little to far. That's ok for you to think that. I've come to these decisions, not solely based in opinion, but in research. So I feel ok about it. To be certain, some of my disappointment comes from the HUGE amount of effort it took for me to get back into school and the realization that it is nothing like I hoped. I hoped that school would be challenging, that it would take effort and that it would be hard. I hoped that it would allow me to grow in a myriad of ways.  I guess, in some respects, it IS those things- but the way in which it has presented itself comes off as gross and icky. 

I want to be challenged not disheartened. I want it to take effort not make me a work-aholic with no time for spiritual development. I want it to be hard- not impossible. The ways in which it is teaching me to grow is also much different than expected. So my growth goals for this week:  to speak my truth in a way that my research suggests builds emotional safety-- even if it's uncomfortable for those around me or the people in authority over me. My goal is to have the self-confidence to stay in my truth with or without the support of my peers and my goal is to remember that I have come to Emory with a purpose and goal. That I was called, that I did answer and that I am here. I will not fade into the background of a system that I do not believe is working; instead I will challenge the system to grow and change to the needs of its students. Even if that student is only me.

Last week we had "Reformation Day" on campus because of this dude named Martin Luther. If that guy had the balls to say what he believed based on his research then I guess I can grow a pair and do something about it too. I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself now and make dinner.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Social Justice vs. Evangelism

So I'm a liberal. If you hadn't figured that out about me already then now you do. I am liberal both socially and theologically and it plays a role in how I serve my neighbor, my friends and my recovery community. So anyway, it came up in class earlier this week that perhaps evangelism and social justice were one in the same (or in the least, COULD be one and the same). I like to think that one cannot exist without the other but this standpoint has a lot to do with how you perceive evangelism.

As opposed to many other christians I don't see evangelism as my main purpose or goal. Nor do I want it to be my focus or my goal- at least, in the typical sense.  See, I'm a believer that attraction rather than promotion is a good thing. I want to act in such a way that you are attracted to what I have so that sharing what I have is easy.. the foundation is already set. But if you don't know me, don't know what I have to offer or aren't aware of what I'm about then telling you all my beliefs or understandings doesn't go anywhere.. at least most of the time.  Attraction rather than promotion is basic sales technique- it is why it's easier to sell a house to someone who is referred to me than someone who just shows up at the Keller Williams office.

So what does that mean? First off, it means I don't go around telling people what I think is right or wrong about faith or God. If you want to pray 20 times a day and your God is a doorknob and it works for you and brings peace in your life.. well then... pray to some DoorKnob! Social issues are off limits too (well, most of the time)... wanna have 8 husbands? GO for it. Instead, I take the "Great Commission" and "Loving the Neighbor" and "Attraction rather than Promotion" as a greater philosophy as a whole instead of commandments or ideals to be addressed separately.

On a deeper level, Social Justice and Evangelism end up being one in the same for me.  I cannot evangelize or spread the word of my belief system if I am not acting in that belief system.  If I am not supporting equality, equal marriage, feeding the hungry or clothing the poor or protecting a woman's right to choose then I am not able to spread the word of God. I believe this because I understand social justice to be an active and consistent way to love my neighbor. I can evangelize all day but if I'm not loving my neighbor and if what I or believe doesn't attract my neighbor then the evangelizing is worth nothing.

There are a lot of people who will disagree with me. That's okay! Disagree! I am not asking you to believe the way I do. Nor do I invite you to try and change my mind. I love my perspective. I love knowing that when I hang out with homeless guys or support gay rights then I am participating in some of the most important commands in all known history without making people cringe with sappy modern day christian rhetoric that I find judgy and unloving and hurtful.  It means that my evangelism relies on my actions and not my words. It means that my faith is only as good as my commitment to the commandments. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Destruction of Skittles: An Open Letter

August 31, 2013

Dear Mars Inc,

I have enjoyed Skittles ever since I can remember. In fact, some of my earliest memories have the reminiscence of tasting the rainbow. As I grew up, Skittles remained a staple of my youth and early twenties.  At the age of 27 I got a life-sized bag of skittles tattooed on my thigh- it is my favorite tattoo. I’m a longtime fan and loyal customer of the Skittles brand.

When I was 17 I remember Skittles introducing the green apple flavor to the bag. I was disheartened and thought they were awful. I was relieved that during that time I was still able to find normal bags and soon Mars Co realized the error of their ways and Skittles returned to the wonderful standard flavor of lime that I had come to know and love.

Starting six or seven months ago I realized that the green apple skittle was again making a comeback. Now I cannot find a single bag of my blessedly wonderful original Skittles. I hope you understand that to me the green apple skittle is tantamount to blasphemy. It is the “New Coke” of the confectionary market and I find it distasteful and heart breaking. You have taken away the glory and wonder of my childhood!

The green apple flavor overpowers the delicate balance of flavor that Skittle offers. It is a distinct palette of sweet rainbow goodness and the green apple Skittle destroys that balance. Can’t you see what you’re doing? You’re robbing me of my childhood, my favorite sweet snack and balance of the rainbow that has made it a better life to live. I implore you to cease and desist the making of the green apple flavor and restore the Skittles name back to its original glory!!

This letter is, perhaps, a wee bit dramatic. In all honesty though I am disappointed that Mars, Inc has changed one of my favorite things on the planet.  A once loyal and consistent customer has now not purchased a bag of skittles in nearly a month. I hope that you hear my plea and make a change for the better.

Your Hopeful Customer,

                                                                                     Hannah Reynolds

Monday, June 3, 2013

Getting Back to Good.

There has to be a point in your life when you realize that you no longer have to survive it any longer. You can enjoy it. Live in it. Hang out with it. There has to be a point where you get back to good. I suppose everyone goes through hard times and emotionally gut retching moments. Cancers, diseases, fears, hurts and pains. Emotional scars and night terrors and cravings and the desire to just stop and throw your hands up in the air and scream at the universe that "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE" and eventually the universe hears you and gives you a break. Or perhaps it's just some cosmic luck of chance that things are going ok again or maybe its God. Who knows. But either way, eventually, after a month of two removed from the that thing that tore you down you find that things are getting better again. 

Or maybe its that you start making them better for yourself. I'm not sure. But eventually the emotional outbursts in your car when your brother's favorite song comes on radio decrease, and the fights with the fiance settle, and the horrible night mares subside into dreams of just being late everywhere you go. Your dog cuddles a little more often, the bills get paid with a little more ease, you don't feel like you have to fight the earth's gravity just to smile. You start to dream again of degrees and cars and babies and weddings. You start to bake again. You start to do those things that bring you joy and you aren't so scared that they'll just be ripped away from you again. You start to feel good like you once felt. It seems so long ago since you felt it you're not quite sure if that's what you're even feeling.

That moment when someone you only kinda-sorta know asks you how you're doing and you don't cringe. When you say "good" and you aren't mad at yourself for having to lie just to save a little face and not cry on a stranger's shoulder. When you say "fine" and you realize you mean it and there is a wave of relief in just a simple greeting where you're saying how you're really feeling and not making the person feel uncomfortable with "I'm kind of shitty today actually, how are you?"  

There is the realization that it won't last. That getting back to good will pass and eventually you will get back to shit again. Everything passes. Everything changes. Everything moves. But it is the knowledge that today at least, you woke up feeling ok. You're not afraid of the day or what it might hold, you don't look at tomorrow with dread, you don't think the world is out to get you (at least not today it's not) and you realize... you're back to good. And, while you're far from some incredulous happiness or the ease of not having a speck of anxiety you are good. Good.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Flood and holding it at Bay

How does one encapsulate the feelings when they’re already overflowing the cup you have for them to begin with? They’re overwhelming me like a home in a flood and there’s no simple way to contain the damage. It’s like I have to lay out sandbags 4 feet deep around the threshold and cross my fingers.  The probability that it will flood over my walls is good. I’m holding on though and pushing through the rain in some semblance of organization.

My sandbags include regular therapy, meetings, talking to people, friends visiting from in and out of town and eating bread pudding from Whole Foods. All of these things hold the onslaught at bay but it doesn’t change the fact that I feel trapped inside and the storm is still storming and the sand bags won’t last forever. Eventually something will have to give—the storm or me. I’d prefer it to be the storm but time will tell.

I’ve been through rougher storms than this and ones where the flood nearly destroyed the house and what was left looked like tatters. And knowing this helps with perspective but does nothing to ease the stable level of anxiety I have on a consistent basis these days. It does nothing to quell the thunderous fears I have about the future or how I at unease I feel in my own skin. But it does offer perspective—I’ve weathered worse and came out ok on the other side.  There’s an ounce of hope for ya.

Long metaphors and analogies for life aside, I can honestly say I’m just scared. My body has been through hell over the last month and now sick with a cold I just want to throw my hands up in the air. Can I just feel better already? I mean seriously. It’s the worst. Beyond all that between the miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy there comes a host of emotions and add onto that an emergency surgery and meds that don’t let you feel and I’m left feeling stuff and processing emotions from weeks ago. I’m behind on my own emotional processing for heaven’s sake! 

One of the women who messaged me a few weeks ago said that miscarriage is “a unique and confusing pain” and I would have to agree. Not only that, it’s a pain that happens to a lot of women and none of them talk about it publicly. Like if we keep it hushed in the public mind then perhaps then it won’t exist. But it does exist and it sucks and it’s painful and it can have complications and frustrations and fears. I mean, really, what does one do with that type of grief? You’re grieving a thing that didn’t even quite happen and thing that isn’t even a person but should feel like a person but its not because it died. It’s fucking strange and no one talks about it.

And I suppose that is where the flood really comes from—a strange pain that I don’t fully understand.  And now as I wrap up this little diddy I realize the rains seem a little lighter and storm doesn’t seem so overwhelming. It’ll pass and it will get better. Everything changes. So for now I wake up and put my clothes on and go to work and come home and eat and go to meeting and feed my dog and love my fiance and do all the things I'm meant to do and wait for the rain to slow to a drizzle.

Monday, January 28, 2013

When you know less today then you knew yesterday

Lets get a few things strait. I believe a lot of things. But I believe less than I did a year ago. Even less than I did two years ago. Perhaps this is growth—the realization that I know less of belief than I did when I could read greek and Hebrew (relatively) fluently is... well, it's ironic. Annoying even. Death has a funny way of changing people and my ideas of faith and truth and have been molded by the pain of loss. It has also been molded by the joy of growth into a new relationship. Regardless, it has changed.

Though I’m not exactly sure how I believe or what I believe or how God moves I do know a few things that I cannot stomach. There a few quaint lines that I’ve heard throughout the last few months and years that make me cringe. Philosophically they do not mesh with what little understanding of the creator and how She operates in my life.

For example: 
“There is a void to fill” or “I just want to fill the void” – I don’t believe the ultimate creator would make me unwhole. I believe I am made in Her image and Her image is perfection. I believe the void is a falsity that my mind has created in order that I might fill it. But because it is mirage it doesn’t matter how much I use to try and fill it—sex, drugs, food or money--  it will never ever be full because it isn’t there to begin with. I have nothing to fill. I do not have to fill it with anything, including God because it isn’t there. If I attempt to fill the void with God it won’t work either. Crazy thought yes? There is no void (alternatively... there is no spoon). 

So why, in all the world would my mind create a void? Why, if created in the image of perfection would my mind cave in on itself and try to self destruct with a void and that can never be filled? Because I am imperfect and flawed and broken and my mind tries to rationalize this separation from my creator with emptiness. But I am not separated and I am not empty. My distance from God is only as far as I perceive it. The moment I fully grasp the lie that is the void is the moment I am fully in presence of God. The presence is quite good. Like a sweet man fresh out of the shower good.  Yea… that good.

Another one is: 
“Everything happens for a reason” – Instead I believe that there are reason why things happen. I do not.. or perhaps will not believe in a God who purposefully has a plan instilled in pain, petulance and pride. For example, I do not believe cancer is in the divine plan. I do not believe murder happens for a “reason” or to “teach us” or to do anything else. He is not so infantile. I believe that perhaps those are consequences of action. But it is not why the action happened. I cannot believe in a God that would purposefully plan addiction, depravity and death as some sort of twisted love. Does He allow it? Sure. Did he want that or even plan it? Not for me. For you maybe? Perhaps. But no, no not for me.

“It’ll be ok” – quintessential comfort giving words. “Don’t worry honey, it’ll be ok.” Well, actually, no it won’t ever be ok. It really won’t and that’s alright. Can we, as a people, just accept that sometimes things won’t ever be ok? Must we convince ourselves that one day we’ll look back and it will be ok that we were molested or fucked up at one point? Quite frankly I’m a realist. I’m ok with the fact that some things will just never be ok. This reality is actually comforting. Its ok to not be ok. It doesn’t mean that it will hurt forever… the pain of the world always passes but just because it doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean it was ever ok. Just because the pain of it passes doesn't mean it will ever be ok.

“He’s in a better place now.” – I mean, how the hell do you know? I believe that heaven and hell are very real places. I have experienced them on earth so I have no reason to doubt that they exist after earth as well. I believe the presences of ourselves in these places after death is not for me to understand. God is wise and good and true and She alone knows the process of how and where we go. I neither believe it’s as simple as the works we do nor the “wham bam thank you ma’am” process of southern salvation but on the flip side of the token I won’t think myself smart enough to know where the threshold of that line is.

There is a very real possibility that whoever it is has not reached a better place. I won’t use the trivialities of culture to make you feel better. A realist as ever I just don’t think we all reach the threshold of heaven. I’ve become accepting of this and I think it’s a good thing. Keeps me honest.

There are other things I've heard that I don't agree with that would take too much time. I don't believe, for example, that death is natural. I do not believe it to be necessary but merely a result of our own choices. It would be a blog in and of itself. Along with the idea that there's just one man or woman for each of us or that we have "soul partners" that were destined instead of chosen. I don't like the idea of a practical God or one that is defines by gender roles (I'm sure you've noticed the mixture of He and She). I don't like the idea that any one religion, denomination or ever myself have the ball in our hands on truth. This is complicated because many of my friends think they KNOW truth. I have to work through my own judgements on this... I suppose it would be lovely to know that I have the truth and it will never change again and everything is explained. For today though that alludes me.